Time Heals All Wounds

Over time people change anthe pastd things change. I think as time goes on we grow up and realize that the little things we used to worry about aren’t a big deal anymore. Dumb things we thought were important aren’t actually important to us at all. I know I’ve had to deal with a lot more things that most people I know, and I think over time it’s helped me understand why I went through those things. Think of the difference between high school and college. In high school we were worried about who we were friends with, what dress we had for prom, and who our next boyfriend was going to be. In college we are focused on getting good grades, making lifelong friends, and trying to find a real life job. Over time we grow up (most of us anyway) and realize the little things aren’t as important. Are you having a bad day? Tomorrow is guaranteed to be better. You can’t dwell on the past because you’re always going to have a better future. It might seem dark and gloomy now, but it can’t rain forever.

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